Yvette Walker
Board Member
Yvette Walker is a small business owner of Premier, a full-service marketing and public relations firm, an active member of the community, and serves as a Planning Commissioner for the City of Upland, CA. With the support of the IEHLC Board, she spearheaded the first annual ‘Latino Health Summit’ which has been conducted at Riverside University Health Systems (2016) as well as San Antonio Regional Hospital (2017), and Chaired the 2017 resurgence of the ‘Educational Summit’, first conducted at the University of Redlands and most recently conducted at the University of La Verne. She serves on the IEHLC Board as Director of Programs and has been a part of IEHLC Annual Dinner & Awards Gala, joined the IEHLC advocacy visit to the National Association of Counties (NACo) conference in Washington, D.C. as well as the upcoming Business/Technology Summit.